I went a bit crazy with the new design templates.
I've been meaning to come back to this. Well, techincally, I nearly switched over to WordPress. But it's a bitch to me when doing uni work anyway, so why let go of lovingly ol' reliable blogspot?
2011, then. What've you got for me? 2 exams, 2 mock exams, 1 essay, subbing feature articles, applying for jobs that are too far away with no pay, and fridge that may have destroyed my food. All to look forward to in the next week.
2011, I don't think I like you.
But then again, the job thing is quite exciting, and I only had butter and syrup in the fridge.
I won't promise, as I always do, to kick-start this blog back up, because that would sound like a resolution. Now, I was never one for resolutions. For the last 22 years, it's always been the same: stop biting your fingernails. Well bollocks to that one. I'll bite my nails whether I want to or not. That's right, I have no say in the matter - no control over the magnetic attraction between my teeth and fingers.
I also refuse to eat healthier. I may have stuffed myself silly this Christmas, but frankly, I don't eat much on my own and I will NOT give up meat or sugar. So there.
I refuse to go to a gym or do yoga or pilates or any form of sweaty exercise. Walking is perfectly adequate.
So what else can you offer, 2011? Sixth series of Doctor Who with a Neil Gaiman episode, return of Sherlock, F1 in 63 days, I can finally see Never Let Me Go, and very possibly also somehow manage to get a decent MA in Journalism.
We'll see.
And as for what this blog will be?
I don't know. Still cooking.
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