Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Clothes dilemma

Yes, I know I promised a whole series of clothes revamp extravaganza, but I've been so stressed out with uni stuff that I haven't been able to just chill out and do some sewing and photoshopping. After next week, I'll be done with MA uni apps, and then...well, then I have 2 essays to hand in, but we all know I'll procrastinate by putting up those dress ideas I had oh so many weeks ago.

To make up for my laziness, I will instead coax you into forgiving me by posting stuff from my early days on Polyvore. Before I realised I could create crazy artsy stuff, I used Polyvore for its primary function: putting together outfits. My sister has managed to recreate her entire wardrobe on Polyvore sets, creating a 'Cher from Clueless' style online wardrobe.

I, on the other hand, found that tedious (half my clothes are from the North Laines. they don't have online sites to clip pics from), and opted to create outfits that I'd love to have.

Exhibit A:
For the last few days, the weather was being quite lovely and I was able to go about campus wearing this ensemble:

Skinny jeans with comfy shoes, long and soft cotton tank top that's jazzed up with a few accessories, a hat and a compulsory scarf to keep the chill out and my trusty Mac. A perfect, casual student look, right?
(Note: I own variations of all those items. Except the belt. I don't do belts).

But then came yesterday, and it started SNOWING. Again. Therefore Exhibit B came into place:

Cold weather means I can get more creative: laced-up high boots to keep the ankles warm, skirt with pleated tiers (volume=warmth)and a black n white striped long sleeved top to add a touch of Tim Burton-ness to a freezing, drab, wintery afternoon.
(Note: More layers were involved. And I don't own a leather jacket).

I can't decide whether I want it to get summer-hot right now, or let it snow just a few more inches so I can play in the snow. To honest, I wouldn't mind if the snow settled. Just for a while. A short while.

For now, I'm gonna slip under the comfiest thing in the world: my duvet.

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