Sunday, 24 January 2010

The Boondock Saints

And shepherds we shall be
For thee, my Lord, for thee
Power hath descended forth from thy hand
That our feet may swiftly carry out thy command
So we shall flow a river forth to thee
And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In nomine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti.

New dress project amidst crazy schedule

Christmas vacation and first 2 weeks of term were supposed to be when I got shitloads of things done. For example, I wanted to start jazzing up my wardrobe and making this more blog-like. I was supposed to get some reading done (well, I did, but it wasn't what I was supposed to be reading...). And most importantly, I was supposed to get my MA uni applications done.

I think I enjoying having gremlins attack my brain all at once in perfect unharmonious synchronity (apparenly this isn't a word. I don't care. I like it as a word).

So in this week, I shall attempt to finish 10 uni apps, write 10 different personal statements, hold meetings will all my residents under my care on campus, go to magazine meetings, write an interview, take photos, read a few books, meet with 3 tutors...and also try to have a life once in a while.

So tonight, I decided to de-stress by starting my clothes revamp project. Insane, non?

Well, what the heck, I went and did my best...

So what will follow in the days to come, are pics of all the old, big and long clothes that I've decided to jazz up in different ways (esp to make them fit me). I raided a fabric store in Colchester (I believe it was The Remnant Shop on Head Street) and came away with a bunch of satin and lace ribbons, 25p each! My mom had to stop me from grabbing the entire basket.

(Word says it's synchronicity. which blogger still thinks is wrong. hmpf.)

I'll start with just ideas for each, because my sewing machine has taken permanent residence in Colchester, while I hop off back to uni in Brighton, so I'll experiment with the dresses for now.

Before I go on any further, I'd just like to say something about my laptops, because they will feature greatly in my ramblings.

Firstly, there's Lappy. Lappy is old. Very old. And heavy.

She's a blue and grey Dell XP and needs to sit on a big book as there's a fan underneath that makes her crash if it's covered.

She's over 6 years old, used to be my sister's uni laptop but it was dying on her. Let me declare, ladies and gentlemen, that the very same Lappy (my naming) has survived under my care for the last 5 years. She loves me. She only functions for me. She only has 384MB of memory. She is a pain in the arse when I try to watch DVDs (I no longer can), or watch videos on youtube (it's a slow process).

But you know what? I love her. I love my Lappy the way that most people love their cats or dogs or goldfishies or kids. Lappy is my beloved pet.

Then there's the new laptop. New laptop is about 2 years old, maybe. New laptop does not have bottom fan. New laptop has more memory, and I can watch videos comfortably. New lappy is shiny silver. He's also a Vista (I hate Vistas, but oh well, they're shiny).

New laptop has 2 names. First name, named while I was at my sister's in Boston for Christmas, is Bieber. After Justin Bieber, who was discovered on youtube. Why? My sister could not stop mentioning that boy. Therefore, in front of my sister, new laptop's name in Bieber.

What do I call him while I'm at home?


Named after David Della Rocco, from the Boondock Saints.



So while I've been enjoying listening to the Dresden Dolls radio on, watching Boondock Saints for the umpteenth time and uploading pics with ease on Rocco this weekend...tomorrow I head back to my flat and reunite with dear old Lappy. At least her internet connection is fast! So fear not, dear readers (whoever you are and if indeed there are), I shall still be uploading lots of weird and wonderful things on a regular basis for days to come!

I leave you with yet another Polyvore set, called 'scrapbook'.

Kash xx

Thursday, 7 January 2010